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New media, new challenges: best practices in the digital age for South Asian journalists

Detalles del Curso

Fecha Límite:
December 18, 2011
January 23, 2012 - March 4, 2012
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Journalists from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are invited to apply to a new training program that aims to connect journalists in the region on joint reporting projects that will explore cross-border issues of importance, while also training them in responsible practices in the digital age. The program, run by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and sponsored by the U.S. State Department, has two main components.

ICFJ will conduct a six-week online course for 75 journalists on digital journalism. During the interactive course, journalists will learn about standards for digital content, writing for the web, website design, shooting and producing web video, and media and copyright law. How journalists can use blogs and other social networks in a safe and responsible manner without creating danger to themselves will also be explored. During the course, participants will also discuss topics in their countries that would serve as suitable projects for them to explore with more in-depth reporting.

ICFJ will follow the online course with a five-day conference in Sri Lanka that will bring together the 25 best participants from the online course, who propose the best projects. The projects will be grouped together for regional cooperation. The groupings will help each of the journalists report their stories in a more responsible and informed way, and it will create a lasting change in the journalists’ understanding of one another’s cultures.

Through these joint reporting projects, to be broadcast or published by each journalist’s own media organization, audiences throughout the region will benefit from more nuanced and in-depth reporting on critical cultural, religious and social issues. The project selections would be made before the Colombo conference. This will give the journalists an opportunity to plan their reporting together. They will also present their story ideas to the larger conference group, which will help brainstorm ideas for improving the projects. The conference in Colombo will also include panel discussions, site visits and small group breakout meetings.

By participating in this conference as well as the online course, those selected for the program will pick up new skills in investigative journalism and journalism ethics, as well as learn the customs and cultures of one another's homeland to better the quality of their own journalism endeavors.

Applicants should be able to communicate well in English, Hindi or Urdu; interpretation will be provided. All expenses for this program are paid.

The application deadline for this program is: December 18, 2011.