Investigative Reporting
Investigative journalism for Arab journalists
Journalists from across the Arab world have the opportunity to participate in a new online training course on investigative journalism, offered by the Al Jazeera Media Training and Development Center, in cooperation with the International Center for Journalists.
The course will be held from April 30 to June 10, 2012 and is open to Arab journalists working in print, broadcast and online journalism.

Covering state in transition for Egyptian journalists and citizen journalists
Course on covering state in transition for Egyptian journalists and citizen journalists The International Center for Journalists ICFJ) is offering an online course for Egyptian citizen and professional journalists on the coverage of a state in transition and nascent government institutions with an emphasis on using digital tools. The course will be held from September 5 to October 17. Last day to apply is August 20.
Investigative journalism for Turkish and Armenian journalists
Journalists from Turkey and Armenia have the opportunity to participate in a new online training course on investigative journalism.
The course will be held from July 5 to August 1 and is open to Turkish and Armenian journalists working in print, broadcast and online journalism.

Investigative journalism for Arab journalists
Journalists from across the Arab world have the opportunity to participate in a new online training course on investigative journalism, offered by the Al Jazeera Media Training and Development Center, in cooperation with the International Center for Journalists.
The course will be held from February 14 to March 24 and is open to Arab journalists working in print, broadcast and online journalism.